This erotically charged generative poem imagines John Lennon and Yoko Ono engaging in endless sexual exploration. This famous couple was controversially open about sexuality, nudity, and used their celebrity to cut through bourgeois prudishness. After Lennon’s death, Yoko Ono continued with her artistic and musical career, with creative practices associated with the Fluxus movement. For example, this poem uses the “audience volunteer(s)” to reference her famous performance piece titled “Cut Piece” in which audience members cut her clothing with scissors until she was naked on stage. This poem is a bold remix of Nick Montfort’s “Taroko Gorge” code, which started as “began with the rather awful titular play on words and just evolved/devolved from there.” (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)
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I ♥ E-Poetry entry
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