Inside the House

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Description (in English)

Based on Mark Z. Danielewsky’s House of Leaves, this generative poem imagines an endless hallway inside of a house, the novel’s macguffin. In the novel, as Navidson discovers that a hallway inside his new house is larger than the external dimensions of the house itself, and it is growing, he organizes an expedition into its depths, spending days exploring it without adequately mapping it. This “Taroko Gorge” remix was written by a student of Mark Sample’s “Post Print Fiction” course, and the mashup of the two works is an appropriate exploration of infinity, bound by human limits. As you enter the labyrinth that is this poem, think about how personified this hallway seems to be and what it means to explore the depths of its twisty little passages.

(Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

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I ♥ E-Poetry entry
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