Electric Poem

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Description (in English)

November of 1960, date of the “Electric Poem”, by Albertus Marques (1930-2005), can be considered as the pioneering time of a poetic experience with the electronic media. It is

"one electric poem, in which the energy is supplied through piles. The reader pushes a button and it appears in the center of the screen - white field - the word END. Until the moment that the person completes the action of pushing the contact, anything is revealed, or else, the possibility and the power of an action. As soon as the reader releases the button, the word disappears, therefore its emergence and permanence depend exclusively on the action of pushing the contact." (MARQUES, 1977, p. 156).

To the similarity of the future electronic poetries, and reminding the 0 and 1 of the binary system, the poem demands the reader's interaction that will produce meanings starting from the white field, button and of his/her initiative of pressing it.

(Source: Jorge Luiz Antonio, 2008: 19)

Pull Quotes

one electric poem, in which the energy is supplied through piles. The reader pushes a button and it appears in the center of the screen - white field - the word END. Until the moment that the person completes the action of pushing the contact, anything is revealed, or else, the possibility and the power of an action. As soon as the reader releases the button, the word disappears, therefore its emergence and permanence depend exclusively on the action of pushing the contact. (Marques 1977: 156)

Screen shots