In "Digital Poetry: Theory, History, Anthologies," Jorge Luiz Antonio presents a panorama of digital poetry history, from its origins, in 1959, until our days with the most advanced and creative innovations. The author shows how the resources of computer science, apparently cool and exact, can give new life to the universe of poetry when taking their producers and appreciators to the other artistic directions inside digital culture. For Jorge Luiz Antonio his Digital Poetry: Theory, History, Anthologies is a book that "studies a type of contemporary poetry in its relationship with the arts, design and computational technology, which is a continuation and an unfolding of avant-garde, concrete, visual, and experimental poetry". According to the Portuguese poet E.M. de Melo e Castro, the work has "clearly the intention and the author's accomplishment of a discussion about the reasons that can be invoked for the study of the transformations that the use of the technologies is already causing in the concept of poetry." (Source: author)
Em Poesia digital: teoria, história, antologias, Jorge Luiz Antonio traz um panorama da história da poesia digital, desde os seus primórdios, em 1959, até os nossos dias, com as mais avançadas e criativas inovações. O autor mostra como os recursos da informática, aparentemente frios e exatos, podem dar uma nova vida ao universo da poesia, ao levar seus produtores e apreciadores a outros caminhos artísticos dentro da chamada cultura digital. Para o autor, Poesia digital: teoria, história, antologias é um livro que “estuda um tipo de poesia contemporânea em suas relações com as artes, o design e a tecnologia computacional, que é uma continuação e um desdobramento da poesia das vanguardas, da poesia concreta, visual e experimental”. Segundo o poeta português E.M. de Melo e Castro, a obra traz “claramente a intenção e a ação do autor de realizar uma discussão sobre as razões que podem ser invocadas para o estudo das transformações que o uso das tecnologias estão já a causar no próprio conceito de poesia”. (Fonte: autor)
Innumerable questions, a significant amount of information from several countries, different languages and meanings, theoretical essays, examples of creation, many directions, different computational technologies, a labyrinth of signs - this was the challenge we have faced since the end of 1999, and that resulted in Electronic Poetry: Negotiations with Digital Processes (2008) and, now, in Digital Poetry: Negotiations with Digital Processes: Theory, History, Anthologies.
During this time of study, we came to five main aspects, which became the chapters of this work: the establishment of conceptualizations that deal with poetry and technology; an historical study to verify these negotiations of poetry with art, science and technology; the computer (both isolated and in a network) as one of the machines that created interest in poets, especially for its production of signs capable of developing a language; a chronology of these experimentations facilitating the understanding of this poetical activity; and a series of examples which allow us to comment on what had been delineated in groups of poetical experimentations that represent determined formatting for the computational technologies accessible to poets.