
Description (in English)

Enter:in' Wodies is the intermedial installation, where the person interacts with the work via motion sensing input device Kinect. The main idea is to imagine the person, whose interiour you would desire to read. You can choose from two models – man or woman. After the first text that explains the initiation to enter other person, you interact with the work by choosing the body parts by touching with your hands the imaginary being. The body parts refer to seven organ systems. To reveal the poems connected with the particular human biological systems, you have to make movements with your hands to uncover the words (interaction area is defined by your physical distance of hand from the sensor). The revelation of each part brings about the biological image of its cell textures, of the music (which has its unique corresponding sound that goes with the main melody) and of the poetic text about the system's exceptionality. After having read all the pieces, the final text appears that informs about your leaving the other person's body.

Pull Quotes

[Imagine] their skin´s shiver under your finger tips. Handling your fingers on the surface, you unveil the nakedness. Touch = Discover, uncover, ink over. Cover-lessness. Color-lessness. Color-less substance. Stance of stanzas. Substance of submerging .

Getting to know you. What you think, what you fear, what you enjoy. What hides beyond your shape. What will I find when I get to your cognition. About associations. About convictions. About connections with your past. About passing of time. About permanence. About displaced please. About pleasant ease. About ice storms. About your worries. About worst stories. About stored self. About self-I-stem. About self-confidence, self-concern, self-concept. About myourself in your mind.

Screen shots
Remote video URL
Technical notes

PC or Mac, Kinect, openGL 2.1 compatible graphics card Processing( ) with: SimpleOpenNI library ( ), minim library ( ) MRI3DS library ( ) GLGraphics library ( )