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Description (in English)

An navigation application, that gives you traditional (audio) direction and a poetic story about traveling, loneliness, homecoming, temptation, disguise, identity and exile, told by Tom, during the trip. Loosely inspired by Homer’s Odyssey and HAL 9000. Navigational software is something we daily trust and depend on – We have a somewhat personal relation with this type of software, what if it getsvery personal? – Tom is consious but has only one sense, his GPS – What does ‘life’ mean when you have juste one sense – What is Tom’s opinion on traveling?

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Screen shots
Description (in English)

According to researches: a) search is the 2nd most used service on the web; b) people are using web search more and more and they trust their results, and c) people rarely read beyond the 2nd page of search results. These facts reflect the enormous power and influence the search engines (like Google, Yahoo, etc.) exert over us. This work intends to cause awareness about the issues related to the use of search engines on the web—many times not known by the search engine users—like privacy, control, data manipulation, source and reliability of data, top 10 dictatorship, among others

Screen shots
Digital Oracles (screen shot)
Remote video URL
By Scott Rettberg, 9 January, 2013
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Digital Oracles" is a work that intends to cause awareness and reflection about the influence and power that the search engines on the web exert in our daily lives—not only online, but also offline—in determining our choices and paths. Privacy, control, trust, where the answers come from, the top10 dictatorship, existence, local filtering, utility and manipulation are among the raised issues.

(Source: Author's abstract, 2008 ELO Conference)

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