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Description (in English)

This poem plays like a short video in which each line is fades in and out of the window, moving or remaining static, with or without the company of another line. The speaker is a young adult who is faced with a vivid image of the reality of being independent— a sink full of dirty dishes— which triggers a memory of learning to swim in Lake Michigan with her mother. Swimming becomes a metaphor for independent adult life in a poem which explores its parallels in revealing ways for both the speaker and her mother. The minimalist video background and music create an important sense of progression that sets the tone for a powerful final line in the poem that should send you right back to replaying the video poem to decide what happens at the end. Does she sink or swim?

(Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

Description in original language
I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
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Description (in English)

An anonymous parcel containing a small, bright orange plastic fish arrives one morning triggering a frightening, unexpected memory in the mind of the protagonist. Glimmer is a short mouse-responsive work of digital fiction that uses ambient sounds and rich-textured video effects to compliment the writing. There is a scene of a turbulent imaginary ocean in the middle of the work which was entirely rendered using 3D software.

Screen shots
Technical notes

Requires Flash Player 9 or higher.