road trip

Description (in English)

“Polska przydrożna” ("Roadside Poland") is an anti-racer designed for the 8-bit Atari, immersed in demoscene aesthetics and the general climate of retro games. The program references the book "Polska przydrożna" by Piotr Marecki (Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2020), which describes a road trip along Polish side roads. Instead of straightforward travelling, the protagonist of the book wriggles around small towns (these locations are listed in the form of a text scroll). The demo itself is devoid of elements characteristic of racers (car, speed, movement, attractive landscapes), thus the work testifies to the pandemic time in which it was made (sports matches without spectators, universities without students, peopleless tourist destinations). The chiptune composed by Caruso refers to Polish disco-polo folk music (designed on Raster Music Tracker). The demo is programmed using MADS assembler. Demo made by Gorgh (code), Maro (idea), Caruso (msx), Kaz (gfx), 2020.

Description (in original language)

“Polska przydrożna” to zanurzony w estetyce demoscenowej i klimacie retro gier anty-racer zrealizowany na 8-bitowym Atari. Program nawiązuje do książki “Polska przydrożna” Piotra Mareckiego (Wydawnictwo Czarne), która opisuje road trip przez Polskę bocznymi drogami. Bohater książki nie tyle jedzie, co wierci się po niewielkich miejscowościach (miejscowości te wymieniane są w formie tekstowego scrolla). Samo demo pozbawione jest wszystkich elementów charakterystycznych dla racerów (samochód, prędkość, ruch, atrakcyjne krajobrazy), przez co utwór opowiada o czasach pandemii, w jakich został zrealizowany (mecze bez widzów, uniwersytety bez studentów i studentek, pustki w miejscach turystycznych). Chiptune skomponowany przez Caruso nawiązuje do polskiej ludowej muzyki disco-polo. Utwór został zaprogramowany w MADS assembler.

Description in original language
Screen shots
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Record Status
Description (in English)

L0ve0ne (Eastgate Web Workshop) was first told as an additive social networked story, on the Interactive Conference on Arts Wire, beginning in the fall of 1994. Each lexia was posted as a separate entry on the conferencing system. Portions of L0ve0ne were ported in different forms in servers all over the country, including the Arts Conference on The WELL. The story integrates hacker culture, early Internet technologies, a German "road trip"; and a love story that continues in Malloy's The Roar of Destiny.  The first person is used, as it is in many of Malloy's other works, as a narrative device that not only effects the telling, in that it allows the writer to disclose the details of the main character's life in an intimate way, but also effects the reading, in that it situates the reader directly in the main character's life and environment.

Using HTML on the fledgling World Wide Web, Malloy designed an interface that allows access to the narrative in several different ways, including hypertext linking, a visual array of "lines" from of each of the 129 lexias; and a "frames" interface that uses  the "lines" as linked glosses.

L0ve0ne was the first work published in the Eastgate Web Workshop.

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Technical notes

Using HTML on the fledgling World Wide Web, Malloy designed an interface that allowed access to the narrative in several different ways, including hypertext linking, a visual array of "lines" from of each of the 129 lexias; and a "frames" interface that used the "lines" as linked glosses.