
Description (in English)

_:terror(aw)ed patches:_ is a “collaborative fiction that utilizes through live concurrent editing in Google Wave that results in expressive output[s]”

(Source: SpringGun Press, v. 2)

In _:terror(aw)ed patches:_(2009), Shane + Mez create a new method of collaborative “fiction” through _live concurrent editing_ in Google Wave. 

This process results in expressive output[s] termed _Transformations_: “Google Wave uses an algorithmic variation of “operational transformations” [live concurrent editing] which occur through a process called transformation:· The server transforms the client’s request, resulting in the client manifesting the same transformed output.· The notion of concurrency is invariably important as it mimics geophysical conversational states.· Utilizing the server as a point of relay [when more than one client's output is involved] assists in providing scalability and reliability.· The playback feature allows the server to present the document as a stream of operations that have occurred thus far in a particular wave/state.Transformation relies on continual modification…This accent on process acts to rewire the notion of documents as statically defined “objects” and [by proxy] any information contained within..."

(Source: Artists' description for ELO_AI)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots