I Got Up 2020, Pandemic Edition started as an Instagram series inspired by On Kawara’s 1968-79 daily postcard ritual. This version of I Got Up 2020, Pandemic Edition showcases moving images made during the summer of 2020.
From 1968-1979 On Kawara sent picture postcards to two friends, stamped with the time he “got up.”
His series, I Got Up, is collected by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
This riff on I Got Up is a visible record of getting up while confined to the house and simultaneously enacting the roles of mother, artist, housekeeper, and teacher.
The Met website suggests, “With tremendous economy of means and a surprising visual elegance, Kawara creates a complex meditation on time, existence, and the relationship between art and life.”
Made during the pandemic, these daily vignettes interpret “getting up” as unusually labor intensive—creative on the best days and merely possible on the worst.
As a result of my the quarantine, and the collapse of professional and domestic spaces, this series of getting up is a creative family adventure.
(Source: Author's abstract)