intellectual property

By Anna Wilson, 7 June, 2017
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Librarian status
Approved by librarian
Abstract (in English)

In Ghana, adinkra and kente textiles derive their significance from their association with both Asante and Ghanaian cultural nationalism. Adinkra, made by stenciling patterns with black dye, and kente, a type of strip weaving, each convey, through color, style, and adornment, the bearer’s identity, social status, and even emotional state. Yet both textiles have been widely mass-produced outside Ghana, particularly in East Asia, without any compensation to the originators of the designs.

In The Copyright Thing Doesn’t Work Here, Boatema Boateng focuses on the appropriation and protection of adinkra and kente cloth in order to examine the broader implications of the use of intellectual property law to preserve folklore and other traditional forms of knowledge. Boateng investigates the compatibility of indigenous practices of authorship and ownership with those established under intellectual property law, considering the ways in which both are responses to the changing social and historical conditions of decolonization and globalization. Comparing textiles to the more secure copyright protection that Ghanaian musicians enjoy under Ghanaian copyright law, she demonstrates that different forms of social, cultural, and legal capital are treated differently under intellectual property law.

Boateng then moves beyond Africa, expanding her analysis to the influence of cultural nationalism among the diaspora, particularly in the United States, on the appropriation of Ghanaian and other African cultures for global markets. Boateng’s rich ethnography brings to the surface difficult challenges to the international regulation of both contemporary and traditional concepts of intellectual property, and questions whether it can even be done.

Description in original language
Description (in English)

Based on a damaged BitTorrent file of Jean Rollin's erotic horror film The Night of the Hunted (1980), The Torrent translates cross-cultural file error into new narrative configuration. It has appeared in book, installation, internet, and performance incarnations.  Unauthorized versions include: Le Torrent: La Fiancee de Wittgenstein Par Jo Maludies, by John Roland; The Torrent {by Joe Milutis} by Roxanne Carter; I Wrote the Torrent by L. J. Housley; The Torrent Milutis by Giardia Fuemte Jones; Doubts and Obscenities. "Electron is practically inexhaustible" V. I. Lenin ANARCHY IS LIFE by A.O.; The Night of Deception by Joe Milutis translated by Danny Snelson

Pull Quotes

But our love is an image that the pixel does not touch.