generative grammar engine

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Description (in English)

Oracle is a voice recognition and interpretive grammar based interactive performance artwork. The performer's speech, a series of questions posed by the audience, is acquired and presented in a digital projection. The computer system reads the acquired and collective texts, as they are layered upon one another, and generates answers to each question using a word from each of the prior questions.

Technical notes

Oracle requires a Intel based Mac pro computer, video projection and a speech recognition optimised microphone. The software was mainly authored by the artist but also requires Macspeech Dictate to be installed.

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Description (in English)

interactive large scale outdoor environment with non-linear language engine

The Castle is a large scale interactive video projection designed for specific architectural sites. The title makes reference to Kafka's novel of the same name, the work taking as its subject the incomprehensible character of systems of administration and power. The work is composed of four large independently interactive figures, reminiscent of public sculptures on public buildings. It also uses a crude grammar engine to generate short statements, which reflect the activity of the figures and that of the viewers.

(Source: Artist's statement from the project site)