digital performance

Description (in English)

All-Time High was a participatory netprov (networked improv narrative) game that took place on Twitter throughout July. Based on a concept by writers Claire Donato and Jeff T. Johnson (who collaborate on Special America/Atelier Spatial America), All-Time High was developed with Meanwhile Netprov Studio founders Mark C. Marino and Rob Wittig. According to the official website, “In All-Time High we find ourselves— our own high-school-aged selves—together at the same high school in July of 2015. What a nightmare, right?! And yet, what an opportunity. For comedy, if nothing else. And maybe even a bit of redemption.” Readers became co-creators of the Twitter-based netprov with the use of the #ATH15 hashtag, and chose their own adventures at All-Time High. The official Twitter account, @alltimehigh2015, operated as a PA system and make announcements over the course of the netprov. Throughout July 2015, participants will played out the differences (generational, geographical, subcultural) and the commonalities (stress, sugar, hormones) of life on a high-school wormhole. Using their own Twitter accounts or creating new ones, participants played their teenage selves and fictional or historical characters reimagined as high-school students or teachers. This hyperactive summer school was scheduled around four grand, archetypal high school events—The Talent Show, The Big Game, The Big Dance, Graduation—at which participants gathered on Twitter for an hour each week at 11:00pm EDT (8:00pm PDT). From Thursday to Tuesday students, teachers, and PTA members worked up some good old-fashioned (and new-fangled) high-school drama while avoiding the glare of the Vice Principal (@ATHvice). Special guests included Mark Amerika, Kevin McPherson Eckhoff, Cassandra Gillig, The Coup (Boots Riley), Jake Kennedy, Flourish Klink, Heidi Montag, Nick Montfort, Spencer Pratt, and The Pistol Shrimps.

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By J. R. Carpenter, 11 March, 2013
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

a look at new dramaturgical strategies prompted by digital practice.

Pull Quotes

I found I was still looking for some link – for a set of practices that spoke differently to the elements of performance and challenged the parameters of dramaturgy. I found it during a conversation with JR Carpenter, an artist, writer, researcher, and performer, who was working on a web-based computer-generated dialogue responding to transatlantic migration.

Many questions emerged from this process and answering them furthered a reflexive process that contributed to the generation of new work. The questions also furthered my search for a set of dramaturgical strategies capable of responding to all materials (texts) that are used or produced in performance practice. In the light of these and other developments in digital practice, it is necessary to find approaches that are flexible enough to adapt to work where the processes are less transparent; where the definition of text and scripting and chance can extend to programmed material; where authorship is concerned with the modification of systems, or work produced by complex communication networks and the results are available to an infinite number of participators.

Description (in original language)

"КИБЕР-ПУШКИН 1.0 БЕТА" Все стихи на этой странице написаны МАШИНОЙ по имени "Кибер-Пушкин". За несколько лет существования у этого кибер-поп-идола сложилась неплохая гастрольная история. В апреле 2006 "Кибер-Пушкин" красовался в Петербургском Эрмитаже, в ноябре 2003 был представлен в Museumsquartier (Вена, Австрия) в рамках фестиваля Roboexotica, в 2002 году выступал в Третьяковской галерее и в московском Музее кино. ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ АВТОРА ПРОЕКТА: В Сети предостаточно программ для генерации стихов на русском языке. Желающие поэкспериментировать могут поискать что-нибудь подходящее сами или скачать пару аналогов с нашего сайта. (Даже три, включая это). Наш стихописательный виртуал получил гордое имя "Кибер-Пушкин 1.0 beta". Я научил его всему что нужно: поэтическому ритму, правилам рифмования, специфике поэтического лексикона, а также "поэтическому взгляду на мир". Забил в базу данных лучшие образцы поэзии Есенина, Мандельштама, Вертинского и Пригова Дмитрия Александровича. Потратил на всё это МАССУ СИЛ И ВРЕМЕНИ. И что в итоге? Обнаружил, что "Кибер-Пушкин" пишет полную белиберду, да еще и с чудовищными орфографическими ошибками! Поначалу я посчитал это провалом амбициозного проекта и на какое-то время оставил машину-поэта в покое. Но потом восхищённые отзывы моих знакомцев в Сети и в реале заставили меня поменять своё мнение. "Кибер-Пушкин" великолепен! Это настоящее кибер-светило современной поэзии, без дураков! Прости, машина, что я усомнился в твоей гениальности. Прими же мои покаянные заверения в верности твоему таланту! Сергей Тетерин, автор проекта | 2003 (из

Description in original language
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By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 18 June, 2012
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This panel will deal with the relationship between extreme affect and electronic literature: How are pain, sex, and death _embodied_ in E-lit, virtual worlds, and textuality so that the abstract, for the reader, performer, or user, becomes empathetically embodied within hir? In other words, how can the skipping/skimming, which characterize the Net, be delayed, so that an actuality of politics and the body emerges? This panel will explore this and related issues. (Source: Author's abstract, 2012 ELO Conference site)