The Electronic Literature Second Tuesday Salon will discuss specific actions and solutions for ensuring that everyone can explore and enjoy electronic literature. Join us for breakout rooms for brainstorm sessions.* Electronic literature writing and reading solutions-- what are the barriers to finding, reading and writing e-lit and how can we address these? Samya Brata Roy moderating*Electronic literature conference solutions--what are the conferences out there, how do we make these more accessible? Maria Mencia moderating*Electronic literature discourse -- what are scholarly issues (curriculum, criticism, etc. that disadvantage specific groups, and how can we address these (e.g., canon, literary value, academia vs. practice, North American-centricity, etc.)? Lai-Tze Fan moderating* Electronic curriculum--how do we infuse and include electronic literature in classrooms and universities? What are the scholarly barriers? Sarah Lozier-Laiola moderating
Note that these conversations will not be recorded, but solutions will be placed in a living Google Doc for further expansion.
(Salon Invitation)