Anthology of Belén Gache's net-poems produced between 1996 and 2006 and one of her most widely known pieces. Here she proposes the exercise of reading as a decoding task as well as a ludic activity. The fourteen net-poems in this anthology are rooted in the historical avant-gardes, using strategies as randomness, tautology, appropriations, and are influenced by concrete and conceptual writing.
Stiegler considers the exteriorization of memory and describes the potential of digital media to be reciprocal media – anamnetic mnemotechnology. Our abilities to both decode and recode digital media are essential but threatened aspects of the creative potentiality of digital media.
This proposal is for a panel presentation. In keeping with the themes of Archive and Innovate, this panel will look at structures and decoding with respect to the practice of preserving electronic fiction and poetry. A finished electronic piece is the end result of various decisions about technology and the coding that accompanies this production. In some cases the reading of a piece partially decodes the assemblage; in other works, the coding structure remains hidden. The members of this panel will look at both phenomena as an aspect of investigating works of digital literature. Members will include Marjorie C. Luesebrink/M.D. Coverley (chair), Stephanie Strickland, John Zuern, and Mark Marino.