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Description (in English)

Tell me a secret is a graphic interpretation project of secrets between different communities through a graphic communication workshop. 

The project has three objectives: share, interpret and preserve. We share your secret with some other anonymous community where we give the workshop. We interpret it, we make your secret something of ours, of everyone. Finally, we preserve it, through editorial and online materials. It is also part of a bank of secrets that we exhibit from time to time. 

Description (in original language)

Cúentanos un secreto es un proyecto de interpretación gráfica de secretos entre distintas comunidades a través de un taller de comunicación gráfica.

El proyecto tiene  tres objetivos:  compartir, interpretar y preservar. Compartimos  tu secreto con  algún otro anonimo en comunidad donde impartamos el taller. Lo interpretamos, hacemos de tu secreto algo nuestro, de todos.  Finalmente  lo preservamos,  a través de materiales editoriales y en línea. También forma parte de un banco de secretos que exhibimos de vez en vez.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Main page
Cuéntananos tu secreto | Tell us your secret
By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 23 March, 2012
Publication Type
Appears in
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

In this paper I look at some often-overlooked aspects of creative collaboration, drawing on my experiences in a series of group projects in which I participated over a span of almost 30 years. The infrastructural and interpersonal details of creative collaboration— the architectural space and seating arrangements, food and drink, public and private meeting spaces, meeting management, social conventions—I will argue to be important factors in the quantity and quality of the work produced. These elements are often excluded from certain types of scholarly discourse and I will make a parallel argument for the importance of their inclusion in literary history and criticism.

I use examples such as: Invisible Seattle (a literary/performance group and early e-literature pioneers), Persimmons & Myrrh (a structured show-and-tell society that included among its members David Sedaris), Chicago e-Lit Dinners (a breeding ground for e-literature projects and community), Rude Trip (a German/American collaborative literature project) and Imperial Quality Media (producers of netprov e-literature).

Adapted from a talk given at the Electronic Literature Communities Seminar in Bergen, Norway on September 21, 2010, as part of the Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP) project.
