
By Maya Zalbidea, 24 July, 2014
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
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Approved by librarian
Abstract (in English)

The terms ‘interculturality’ and ‘transculturality’ are every time more present in literary studies. However, the relationship between the phenomena of cultural contact and aesthetic dimension demand understand deeply of which both consist. This study explores the need of a convergence between culture sciences (Kulturwissenschaften) and literary theories to tackle in the right way the relationship between cultural interactions and aesthetic-literary strategies. In the first place, from a critical and systematic revision of the main theories and conceptualizations to nowadays, a new method is elaborated to produce readings from an intercultural perspective. In other words, a focus that deals with cultural contacts in production and textual reproductions. In the second place, the analysis of three contemporary novels representative of different models of interculturality and transculturality illustrate this approach to the texts and offers contributions that move beyond the literary.

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 3 July, 2013
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Abstract (in English)

I de senere år har man med fremvæksten af nye digitale medier og redskaber været vidne til en fremvækst af teoretiske betragtninger over de nye digitale fænomener: om deres forhold til filosofi, æstetik og design og om deres samspil med samfundet, kulturen og individet. Denne antologi søger at give et overblik over nogle af de mange synspunkter og teorier, der cirkulerer i den aktuelle debat mellem forskere inden for digital æstetik og design. Med baggrund i disse diskussioner afmærker bogen ikke blot debattens vigtigste temaer, men giver også konkrete bud på, hvordan de nye digitale fænomener kan analyseres. Bidragyderne er alle primært yngre forskere, der både nationalt og internationalt har været med til at etablere forskningen inden for digital æstetik og design: Gert Balling, Rasmus Blok, Ida Engholm, Jesper Juul, Anker Helms Jørgensen, Anders Fagerjord, Gonzala Frasca, Lisbeth Klastrup, Raine Koskimaa, Lars Qvortrup, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Mette Sandbye, Frank Schaap, Lisbeth Thorlacius.

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 15 October, 2011
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

A collection of classic articles and papers on hypertext reading and criticism.