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Description (in English)

Set in the near future, in a Paris devastated by revolution and disease, Empire of the Senseless is narrated by two terrorists and occasional lovers, Thivai, a pirate, and Abhor, part robot, part human. Together and apart, the two undertake an odyssey of carnage, a holocaust of the erotic. “An elegy for the world of our fathers,” as Kathy Acker calls it, where the terrorists and the wretched of the earth are in command, marching down a road charted by Genet to a Marseillaise composed by Sade.

(Source: Grove Atlantic catalog copy)

Screen shots
Empire of the Senseless
Description (in English)

This film was created in a very short amount of time during an experimental course in Bergen, Norway.

The assignment consisted of everyone receiving a fictional character who had recently experienced a "strange event" and was sent to Bergen to try and figure out what the root cause was. Each student was put into a group of about four, and it was up to the team to figure out a way to tell a narrative, while still weaving together some very random stories, events, and details. Our group decided on showing our narrative via a film. There are perhaps some gaps in the narrative logic, but perhaps a little character info can help fill those.

Jackson Sullivan: woke up on day on an island in his hometown with strange ruins tattooed onto his arm. He heads to Bergen to decipher them.

David Butler: an older gentlemen possessing the diary of his explorer grandfather. Inside is information regarding Norse ruins...

Aurora Berg: a British spy is doing her best to warn the world of potential harm.

Liam Omar: a scuba diver who notices the strange rise in water levels in the Bergen area. What can it mean?

(Source: Vimeo description by Dane Pedersen)

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