
By Patricia Tomaszek, 13 February, 2012
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Simanowski, while offering insightful practical observations on artworks, also builds larger historical frameworks; for instance, the chapter on Concrete Poetry dwells on its relationship to the baroque.

In various ways, Roberto Simanowski precisely uses his pro-critical stance to assemble a rejection of the common notions of “embrace” that occur as media and art are blended, establishing a polemic that privileges a “methodology” of close reading that resists its more imposing or absolutist implications.

By Patricia Tomaszek, 2 February, 2012
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Abstract (in English)

A close reading of Blueberries by Susan Gibb

Creative Works referenced
By Patricia Tomaszek, 21 January, 2012
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Abstract (in English)

A review of Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres, edited by Peter Gendolla and Jörgen Schäfer.

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Unlike many studies from the "first-wave" of digital criticism of the mid- to late-nineties, which tended to focus on the capabilities of the stand-alone computer (see, for example, Michael Heim's "Erotic Ontology of Cyberspace," Lev Manovich's Language of New Media, Janet H. Murray's Hamlet on the Holodeck, Turkle's Life on the Screen), this work takes into special consideration digital art that exists within and as a part of complexly configured spaces of performance and expression and thus makes a welcome addition to the exciting work being done by scholars such Rita Raley ("Writing 3.D") and Mark B.N. Hansen (New Philosophy for New Media); scholar-practitioners, such as Noah Wardrip-Fruin (Expressive Processing), and Mark Marino ("L.A. Flood," Critical Code Studies), among the many other artists and apostles of three-dimensional space.

By Jan Baetens, 14 December, 2011
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Abstract (in English)

Review of Peter Lunenfeld, The Secret War. Between Downloading & Uploading, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011.

By Jan Baetens, 14 December, 2011
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Abstract (in English)

A review of Philippe Bootz & Sandy Baldwin, eds, Regards croisés. Perspectives on Digital Literature. Morganstown, WV: West Virginia University Press, 2010.

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 28 November, 2011
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Abstract (in English)

A review of three recent books in digital media studies, by Lisa Gitelman, Marie-Laure Ryan, and Johanna Drucker, which have no cross-citations, and exemplify what Bolter describes as the " a rich diversity of forms of production and critical approaches". Bolter writes that "Each of these books contributes to a debate about new media, although no two of them participate centrally in the same debate", and goes on to explain how he sees very different debates taking place in the different areas of digital media studies.

Critical Writing referenced