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1st PlaceSamantha Gorman and Danny Cannizzaro, Pry

Honorable MentionDaniel Howe and John Cayley, The Readers Project / How It Is in Common Tongues

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The Robert Coover Award for a Work of Electronic Literature is an award given for the best work of electronic literature of any length or genre. Bestowed by the Electronic Literature Organization and funded through a generous donation from supporters and members of the ELO, this annual prize aims to recognize creative excellence. The Prize for 1st Place comes with a $1000 award, with a plaque showing the name of the winner and an acknowledgement of the achievement, and a one-year membership in the Electronic Literature Organization at the Associate Level. One prize for Honorable Mention is awarded and consists of a plaque showing the name of the winner and an acknowledgement of the achievement, and a one-year membership in the Electronic Literature Organization at the Associate Level.


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How can libraries best introduce new digital literature to the public? The objective of “Turn on Literature” is to find solutions to this question. The partners will approach the field of digital literature through the work with literary installations, exhibitions and workshops in Romania, Denmark and Norway. The partnership will seize the opportunities that digital literature offers for audience development and will reposition the library to suit users’ needs in an increasingly digitised world. Target groups will be young adults and traditional book readers at the libraries.

Digital literature is an emerging field where authors combine language with the affordances of digital devices (such as computers, tablets, sensors, RFID chips, smart phones etc) to create contemporary literature. The three partners will work closely with authors in order to create innovative presentations of interactive works of literature and circulate the European works to the involved libraries. Exhibitions and capacity building events will secure that literature born in new media in the future will have a place to meet an audience.

(Source: Event holders description of The Turn on Literature)

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Freeplay is Australia’s longest-running and largest independent games festival, located in Melbourne, Australia. Freeplay draws Australia’s independent games community together at its conference, public events program, arcade, and awards. The festival joins players, makers, critics, artists, designers, coders, academics, students, and families for a critical celebration of the artistry of games and digital culture.

Freeplay continues to champion creative and artistic exploration and experimentation in games, highlighting and uncovering grassroots talent in Melbourne and Australia, as videogames continue to grow and gain cultural significance and legitimacy.

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Literature has been the place to go for views on the new and discomforting. Readers have looked to literature to understand the movements of society and their own role in it. Is the experimental arena of electronic literature where we should now look? Can electronic literature help readers find ways to connect or disconnect with the ubiquitous digital transformation?


The Jury

Scott Rettberg, Professor of Digital Culture, University of Bergen, and author of Electronic Literature (Polity, 2018)Søren Pold, PhD and Associate Professor of digital aesthetics, Aarhus UniversityThomas Vang Glud, Editor of “The Literature Page” ( Halling Nielsen, Author of electronic and printed literatureMartin Campostrini, Curator of electronic literature and digital development, Roskilde LibrariesMette-Marie Zacher Sørensen, PhD in Electronic Literature, Assistant Professor, Aarhus UniversityMaria Engberg, PhD and Senior Lecturer, Dept of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University (SWE), co-editor of The ELMCIP Anthology

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