
The antipodean nation that is also a continent.

Short description

Freeplay is Australia’s longest-running and largest independent games festival, located in Melbourne, Australia. Freeplay draws Australia’s independent games community together at its conference, public events program, arcade, and awards. The festival joins players, makers, critics, artists, designers, coders, academics, students, and families for a critical celebration of the artistry of games and digital culture.

Freeplay continues to champion creative and artistic exploration and experimentation in games, highlighting and uncovering grassroots talent in Melbourne and Australia, as videogames continue to grow and gain cultural significance and legitimacy.

Record Status
Event type
Short description

The Digital Writers’ Festival is an online-first writers’ festival dedicated to celebrating the work of Australian writers and fostering new relationships through collaboration between writers.

Record Status
Short description

The Digital Writers’ Festival is an online-first writers’ festival dedicated to celebrating the work of Australian writers and fostering new relationships through collaboration between writers, with a particular focus on engaging those in regional areas.

Record Status
By Glenn Solvang, 7 November, 2017
Publication Type
Appears in
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Abstract (in English)

Linda Carolli on the third hybrid collection by Michael Joyce, a work (like the technological landscape it’s about) at once industrial and informatic, essayistic and narrative, technical and autobiographical.

By Scott Rettberg, 30 January, 2013
Presented at Event
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

As with other world-changing discoveries or events, the use of computers and the Web have contributed to the ‘virtualization’ of ‘the ideas domain’ of poetry. By virtualization it is assumed that something has been made virtual. But not virtual as understood by the scientists or by commerce or by the entertainment industry that see virtualization as the transferring of a function from one physical form to another, like a virtual surgery with patient and doctors in separate physical locations or a virtual on-line marketplace like eBay or a virtual terrain as in virtual reality (VR) games. The virtualization of poetry does not mean taking the function of poetry in print or in performance and transferring it to the web, although this can be and has been a result of the virtualization. The virtualization of poetry has meant that the ideas domain of poetry has been re-thought and new questions and problems posited as a result of the new digital technologies. It has also meant that new actualizations have been realized in media that were not available to the poet in the past.

(Source: Author's abstract)

Creative Works referenced
By Scott Rettberg, 9 January, 2013
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Taking the work some Australian new media artists as case studies, we explore the contemporary penetration of writing into visual media and visual media into writing. (The work of Chris Caines, Ross Gibson, Norrie Neumark and Maria Miranda, Joyce Hinterding and David Haines, Peter Charuk, Leon Czmielewski, Ben Denham and Sarah Waterson are all possible sites of focus).

(Source: Authors' abstract, 2008 ELO Conference site)

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Description (in English)

Nepabunna uses remote sensing data from the Landsat 5 satellite as the starting point, then progresses to a mythopoeia of contemporary technology (using Australian Aboriginal themes) and finally cites string theory as an example of the nexus between science/beauty/truth. Poetry and digital media combine to examine this nexus.

(Source: Author's description for the 2001 Electronic Literature Awards)

Technical notes

Project designed in Flash for the Mac. Version published on 2003 State of the Arts CD only works in Classic environment.