How can libraries best introduce new digital literature to the public? The objective of “Turn on Literature” is to find solutions to this question. The partners will approach the field of digital literature through the work with literary installations, exhibitions and workshops in Romania, Denmark and Norway. The partnership will seize the opportunities that digital literature offers for audience development and will reposition the library to suit users’ needs in an increasingly digitised world. Target groups will be young adults and traditional book readers at the libraries.
Digital literature is an emerging field where authors combine language with the affordances of digital devices (such as computers, tablets, sensors, RFID chips, smart phones etc) to create contemporary literature. The three partners will work closely with authors in order to create innovative presentations of interactive works of literature and circulate the European works to the involved libraries. Exhibitions and capacity building events will secure that literature born in new media in the future will have a place to meet an audience.
(Source: Event holders description of The Turn on Literature)