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Description (in English)

the space between us connects two people’s phones that are physically close. Once connected the app will display the spatial distance between each person and show an arrow pointing towards the other person.

--> is where you are

--> is where I am

As we move in different directions, our distances expand and contract. Our arrows move. Like a compass our phones will orient themselves towards each other, as if the other phone has become north. The arrow points away from the screen. Always, we are somewhere.

Across horizons, deserts, days, nights, the grids of cities, we face each other.

Source: David Horvitz

Screen shots
Technical notes


  • In the disconnected mode the arrow spins in a circle.
  • The phones will connect automatically when they are close to each other. Both phones must have the app open, and must have wifi or cell signal. There cannot be another phone with the app open within 50 yards. 
  • The arrow will appear once a distance of 0.1 km or 0.1 miles is reached.
  • Tap the unit of measurement to change between km and miles.
  • To disconnect both phones one user must tap the arrow ten times.
  • Source: David Horvitz
Description (in English)

Kjell Theøry will be a site-specific mobile Augmented Reality poem mapped visually to geo-spatial coordinates in a public outdoor space in Bergen. The work responds to historical and fictive narratives of Norway as a landscape for exile and escape in conjunction with writings and memories from my residency as a Fulbright Scholar in Bergen last year. It will be accessible for viewing with internet-enabled smart phones and tablets throughout ELO 2015 and will be activated by a brief live event in which I manipulate and read from the virtual space and generate additional material by scanning augmented tattoos on the body of a local male performer. This work evolves out of my AR installation in June 2014 at the Bergen Bibliotek, The Empty House, but will be a substantially new iteration. (Source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

Screen shots