Translations - Translating, Transducing, Transcoding

Event type
Individual Organizers

Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória

Short description

Electronic literature is a translation process. It is rooted in a movement between the expressiveness of converging and diverging languages. A key word in the context of digital processes and practices, translation is an interface between thought and language, self and other, subject and tool, art and technology, humans and machines, or between different cognitive, symbolic, performative and linguistic regimes. Electronic literature may live precisely in this in-between space: the place where the pulse of translation, as a process, lies, celebrating inter-semiosis, transference and transformation.

This exhibit proposes three main nuclei representing three sufficiently comprehensive perspectives of the word “translation”: (1) translating, (2) transducing, and (3) transcoding. naturally, due to their multimodal, intermedial and meta-poetic nature, all of the selected works could be included in any of these three threads. While translating focuses mainly on what is translatable and on conti-nuity, transducing and transcoding focus on what isn’t translatable and on dis-ruption, shedding light on the material specificities of different media, different expressive modalities and different poetics.

(Source: Book of Abstract and Catalogs)


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