This essay presents the points of convergence between the Brazilian fiction writer Clarice Lispector and the Portuguese poet Rui Torres, having, as corpus of analysis, the hypermedia poem “Amor de Clarice” (2005), written by him and based on her tale “Amor”, from the book Laços de Família (1960). In a comparative approach, with a focus on the impact of technology on today's sociocultural background, try to also examine the relation author-work-reader, with the advent of new information technologies and the use of computers as a semiotic machine. Discussions indicate that, in face of Clarice’s writings, the Portuguese poet promotes a rereading that dialogues creatively with the original, expanding its semantic load through audible and visual resources, including animation. Under the influence of the rich literary tradition of the Portuguese Experimental Poetry, "Amor de Clarice" bets on the intercrossing of literary language with media supports in order to break with traditional aesthetic values, suggesting new paradigms for the Luso-Brazilian contemporary literature.
(Source: Authors' Abstract)