Eviscerating the Antiseptic (Interview with Jason Nelson)

By Scott Rettberg, 12 February, 2013
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Abstract (in English)

Jason Nelson is a renegade geographer of glitch labyrinths: irreverent and lucid, his net-art poetry-games ( secrettechnology.com/ ) have enchanted (and annihilated) millions of (daunted and demented) surfers.In Nelson's poem-games, language coalesces into ricochet gif-licking flash-taunts which challenge poetry's traditional layout, rhyme, sanity and meter. Each reader must writhe and compete in order to unlock new verses and levels.These interface contortions obscure an ambivalent misanthropic visionary, which is a mere overlay to a deeper humanity, engaged with the tragedy of the lost human, adrift in a universe of demands, pressing buttons like a bitter rabbit hunting stars.

Interview 2013-06-21 ELO Morgantown.

(Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)

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