DigLitWeb is a hypertext in progress. Its aim is to reflect upon the ongoing digitisation of literature, with particular attention to the field of English and American Studies. We expect it to develop as a collective learning environment, and also as an annotated guide toelectronic works and archives. We examine both online editions of our inherited archive, and new digital genres and forms. The work published here originated in the postgraduate seminars 'Digital Culture and Literary Studies' and 'Electronic Editions and Archives', during the academic years 2003-2004 and 2005-2006.Additional material was added for the undergraduate courses 'Literature and Media in the Digital Age', in 2006-2007, 'Introduction to New Media' and 'History of the Book: From Manuscripts to Digital Texts', in 2008-2009; for 'Art and Multimedia', in 2009-2010; and also for the postgraduate seminar 'Kinetic Poetry', in 2009-2010. Sections are partially bilingual (Portuguese and/or English).
(Source: Digital Literature Web)