This description comes from Rebooting Electronic Literature Volume 2:
Stephanie Strickland's True North came out in 1997 in two formats. First, it was published as a print book of poetry by the University of Notre Dame Press and won––that same year––the Poetry Society of America's Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award and the Ernest Sandeen Poetry Prize. It also appeared as a hypertext poem released on floppy disk for both PC and Macintosh computers by Eastgate Systems, Inc. As Strickland states in her “Prologue,” work on True North began in 1995 at N. Katherine Hayles's National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar but originally was conceived over a decade earlier when, influenced by the writings of Simone Weil, she developed an interest in finding a woman’s language.
The editions and versions include:Print EditionTrue North, published by the University of Notre Dame Press, in 1997; ISBN: 0-268-01899-5Digital Versions✭Version 1.0: True North for PC on 3.5-inch floppy disk, published in 1997 by Eastgate Systems, Inc.Version 1.1: Created with Storyspace 1.0✭Version 2.0: True North for Macintosh on 3.5-inch floppy disk, published in 1997 by Eastgate Systems, Inc.Version 1.1: 3: Created with Storyspace 1.0✭Version 3.0: To Be Here As Stone Is, web poem created for Netscape 4.x browsers by Strickland and M. D. Coverley and published separately at✭ Version 4.0: True North for CD-ROM, published in 1999 by Eastgate Systems, Inc.Version 2.1: CD-ROM for both Macintosh and PC created with Storyspace 1.0