Electronic Literature Support Group (netprov)

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Description (in English)

This netprov was an assignment in the course on Digital Genres (DIKULT103, University of bergen) during the spring of 2020. The netprov premise and structure was inspired by The Machine Learning Breakfast Club (Marino and Wittig 2019)

The PremiseAfter decades of development, works of electronic literature are fed-up with the way they are treated. At once lauded and despised, ignored and overanalyzed, it is time we finally hear from the e-lit works themselves. In this netprov, you are each the personification of a creative work sharing your troubles and asking other works for advice.

On the forum, you are invited to share your issues, whether you are a remixed combinatory poem with a limited sense of self, a 3rd generation work with an inferiority complex, or a classic hypertext novel with abandonment issues.