Dear e.e.

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Description (in English)

This whimsical poem invokes one of the masters of idiosyncratic poetry, E. E. Cummings. Cummings used capitalization, spacing, punctuation, letters, and words in very unconventional ways to craft off-the-beaten-path poetic experiences. The speaker’s dream taps into this idea, by having e.e. rearrange the furniture in counter-intuitive ways. A simple interface for navigation from side to side presents different items of furniture, which reveal texts and brief animations towards new images when the reader places the pointer over them. Perhaps this is a metaphor for Cummings’ poetics, who rearranged letters and words to lead to new perceptions of ordinary things.

(Source: Leonardo Flores, in I ♥ E-Poetry)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
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