Poetry generator made by Jean-Pierre Balpe under the name of Germaine Proust.
This work assembles together three lines which form a new haïku each time the reader wants it. In French "Contre-Haïkus", which means "Against-Haïkus", the texts produced do not follow the haïkus' syllables rule (five for the first and the third lines and seven for the second). On the website dedicated to this project, we can also find these haïkus in a non-generative form (http://meshaikus.canalblog.com/).
"Contre-Haïkus" is a part of Jean-Pierre Balpe's work "Un univers de génération poétique littéraire" ("A universe of literary poetic generation"), accessible through the website http://www.balpe.name/. There, he presents different projects questioning literature and creates, by mirror effect between the works, a moving universe in evolution. With time, this website should host every Jean-Pierre Balpe's works that still accessible on internet.