Ars Poetica

Content type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Description (in English)

Despite that this work resembles kinetic poetry made in Flash, the author proposes a new name to describe his work - electronic emanational poems. In these poems he creates invisible, simultaneously coexisting dimensions of text that can be actualised in the kinetic (electronic) versions of such poems.

The emanational form was first used in Oka-leczenie and (O)patrzenie, two books authored by Z. Fajfer and K. Bazarnik, identified as LIBERATURA, a literary genre integrating text with the material form of the book, which inspired a new literary movement of the same name.

The poem was written in Polish in a static, printed form in 2004 and published in Fajfer’s bilingual collection of poems dwadziescia jeden liter / ten letters (Krakow: Ha!art Publishing House, 2010). The Polish electronic version was created in 2004 in collaboration with Marcin Lewandowski.

Description (in original language)

Original language is Polish, but I don't know Polish, so I can't really write a statement in it :/


Description in original language
Pull Quotes

I wanted to write a perfectly iconic text that would reflect its content in its form, a text that is born and dies while reading it.

I wanted to leave the invisible as invisible, but I also wanted the readers to be able to unveil it in the process of reading.

Screen shots
image of Ars Poetica
image of Ars Poetica 2
Technical notes

Flash required.

Contributors note

Katarzyna Bazarnik - translator to English

Marcin Lewandowski - Programmer.