Zenon Fajfer

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Short biography

Zenon Fajfer (1970), a Polish poet, playwright, one of the best know representatives of avant-garde in contemporary Polish literature. He is a creator and theoretician of liberature, a new literary genre he proposed to describe the kind of work which unites the word with the deliberately shaped space of the book, as well as a new poetic form called “the emanational poem,” in which he creates invisible, multidimensional, simultaneous texts. His books often take unconventional shapes, and his poems frequently utilise non-verbal gestures and material metaphors. He also uses the new media, especially in his kinetic poems and poetic hypertexts. He is the author of works initiating the phenomenon of liberature: a triptych Oka-leczenie (Mute-I-Late, 2000, 2009) and (O)patrzenie (Ga(u)ze, 2003), written jointly with Katarzyna Bazarnik; the poem-in-a-bottle Spoglądając Przez Ozonową Dziurę (Detect Ozone Whole Nearby, 2004), a bilingual multimedia poetry volume dwadzieścia jeden liter/ten letters (2010), Liberature or Total Literature. Collected Essays 1999-2009 (2010), Pieta, a drama which he staged and directed in Łaźnia Nowa Theatre (Kraków, 2006, 2012), and a hypertextual volume of emanational poetry Powieki (Eyelids, 2013). He has just finished work on a new collection of poems called Widok z głębokiej wieży (A View from the Deep Tower). He has presented his poems in many countries, including the USA, Japan, Taiwan, the UK, France, and Italy.

(source: http://phonodia.unive.it/people/zenon-fajfer/)

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