visual communication

By Jana Jankovska, 26 September, 2018
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Memories of «Cuéntanos un secreto» (Tell me a secret)
 understanding textualities in the Network and programmable media. Paper focuses on the electronic exploration collection. 

At first glance, secrets are experiences that are kept hidden from the outside world. They are hidden because of particular social circumstances. Those circumstances relate to the personal and social ethics in its historical context. 

For anthropologists and psychologists, secrets are archetypical, symbolic, psychological and/or behavioral patterns that constantly are repeated in human life and history. They provide explanatory frames, such as lack of eternal love, the punishment of the father, betrayal of the family, taboos, desire, etc. Secrets are a model of popular storytelling in society ́s everyday life. Tell me a secret is a secret-sharing project between communities. The secrets are graphically depicted by participants during visual communication workshops. At the end of every workshop participants are invited to anonymously share their own secrets in order to feed the project flow. Tell me a secret is an ongoing growing archive as well. The objective of the archive is to preserve, research and distribute the popular storytelling. The project considers as secrets both, the written stories and their graphical depiction.

Tell me a secret does not exist without the workshop. Although there are some samples where secrets have been depicted or shared outside the workshop, those are special exceptions. The base of the secret sharing project starts in intimacy. It is almost impossible to share a secret without trust in the other. The workshop is a link where participants connect and trust in the project, therefore in other community. 

During this presentation, I would like to focus on those objects regarding the electronic textualities explorations. These explorations have been followed by theoretical explanations using Katherine Hayley’s eventualize texts theory, Augusto de Campo’s concrete poetry manifesto and Ulises Carrion theory «The new art of making books» All of them bastions of these explorations.

Creative Works referenced