virtual character

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Description (in English)

Jodi’s aesthetic of contingent codes and user interfaces has been contrarily adapted as outright user enslavement. Using a comparable aesthetic of contingent and unintelligible code, the antiorp / integer / Netochka Nezvanova project turned the notion of proprietary software to its ultimate extreme. Dubbed by online magazine the “most feared woman on the Internet,”10 N.N. turned up in the mid-1990s on various and electronic musicrelated mailing lists and bombed them with messages written in a private code work language.

(Source: Florian Cramer Words Made Flash//Code as cult)

Pull Quotes

Empire = body. hensz nn - simply.SUPERIOR per chansz auss! ‘reazon‘ nn = regardz geert lovink + h!z !lk az ultra outdatd + p!t!fl pre.90.z ueztern kap!tal!zt buffoonz ent!tl!ng u korporat fasc!ztz = haz b!n 01 error ov zortz on m! part. [ma!z ! = z!mpl! ador faz!on] geert lovink + ekxtra 1 d!menz!onl kr!!!!ketz [e.g. dze ultra unevntfl \ borrrrrrr!ng andreas broeckmann. alex galloway etc] = do not dze konzt!tuz!on pozez 2 komput dze teor!e much elsz akt!vat 01 lf+ !nundaz!e. jetzt ! = return 2 z!p!ng tea + !zolat!ng m! celllz 4rom ur funerl. vr!!endl!.nn 1001 ventuze.nn

Description (in English)

Me, Mouchette, the online virtual character, I have an unusual status of existence. Regarding the art of my website ( I am the author and the creation at the same time, and yet through my remote internet life I remain invisible, anonymous, genderless, untouchable, neither alive or dead. Therefore participants of my interactive website confide in me in the most intimate way, as if were an imaginary being, living in their own head. Inside their own thoughts, no subject is taboo, fear, pain, life and death or even the temptation of suicide, and with me people feel free to talk about everything. With the reactions of the participants to my website I have composed animation films displaying many of the texts I received, spoken out by pixellated characters who tell their most private thoughts about their experience of surviving suicide, their own or someone else’s. My personality embraces all of my participant’s minds and together we form a collective consciousness pondering over questions of life and death in the digital era. And like in the famous Hamlet monologue, to be or not to be Mouchette, that is the question! The work has been exhibited first within the manifestation Knotenpuntke in Germany and was shown on screens in the museum of Siegen Germany in 2007.

Description in original language
I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Technical notes

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