In discussions with many practitioners of E-Literature over the past two years, the subject of
Archiving (a focus at the Brown Conference) continues as a major challenge in the field. The rapid changes that continue to take place as electronic media becomes more mobile and miniaturized have made even recent archiving techniques problematic. The establishment of specific author archives – and the methods for creating these – has also been developing in the last couple of years.
In response to requests from several ELO Members, I am proposing a one-day Workshop Session on Archiving. This Workshop will take place on Wednesday, June 20, in the morning and afternoon before Registration and the Opening Reception. Proposed topics include: A. The Overall Issue - Tech changes in E-lit 1990 – 2012 – overall plans for Archiving; B. The Nature of Obsolescence - what software/platforms/works are currently threatened?; C. Technologies of Archiving - Where are we in this process - what kinds of archiving strategies are being used? What are the copyright issues?; D. Existing Archives and the future of Archiving. Do we want to mention the PAD document from ELO?
(Source: Author's abstract, 2012 ELO Conference site)