playable poem

Description (in English)

Explore a dark, mountainous landscape dominated by a gigantic tower. 

Set in a dark and abstract dream world that revolves around a crashed bus, the atmospheric literary game environment The Dead Tower can be freely explored at full-screen with the mouse and keyboard. Leonardo Flores says about the project: “This narrative poem is arranged on a darkly atmospheric virtual world designed to both creep you out and pull you in…“. Like the proverbial moth, the reader’s attention is drawn towards the brightest things around: white words float in the air, static or rotating. And the lines of mezangelle verse both heighten the dread by telling fragments of a ghostly narrative prefigured by the bus crash site the reader finds herself in and soften the tone with hints about the interface that nudge the fourth wall. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Pull Quotes

this. broken. space [chamber (gamer) place + constrict (l) ure]

Screen shots
Technical notes

Requires Flash Player 11 or higher.

Dreaming Methods

Description (in English)

Rememori is a degenerative memory game created in Flash. It’s poetics play out some of the affects and effects of dementia on an intimate circle of characters. Juggling with point-of-view and the process of identification, the Rememori player becomes entangled in a struggle for accurate recall, orientation, attention and the search for meaning. In such situations, where does empathy lie and how does the player cope? Inevitably, it’s a contrary game - there can be no winners. 

According to the Alzheimer’s Research Trust, 42% of the UK population (25 million people) know a family member or close friend with dementia, and worldwide, there is a new case of dementia every seven seconds.* In the light of these facts Rememori is a challenging game in more ways than one.

*Alzheimer's Disease International (2009), World Alzheimer's Report


I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Screen shot of Rememori
Technical notes

Requires a browser with Flash player plugin