personal criticism

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 24 March, 2011
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Vol 1, No 7 (2001)
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This is a hypertextual essay about and around a cycle of poems by Juliet Ann Martin: oooxxxooo. It's an interpretation of the poems, a reading. It's also about playing with the medium and with writing. The essay speaks its own voice, linking almost only to itself, always beside the poems it speaks of. You may hear voices of theorists behind these words, but they are implicit, a background rather than names to be paraded

Creative Works referenced
By Jill Walker Rettberg, 24 March, 2011
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This is a hypertextual essay about and around a cycle of poems by Juliet Ann Martin: oooxxxooo. It's an interpretation of the poems, a reading. It's also about playing with the medium and with writing. The essay speaks its own voice, linking almost only to itself, always beside the poems it speaks of. You may hear voices of theorists behind these words, but they are implicit, a background rather than names to be paraded. 

Abstract (in original language)

Dette er en anmeldelse av Juliet Ann Martins diktsyklus oooxxxooo. Juliet Ann Martin er skjermkunstner. Diktene hennes finnes ikke i trykt utgave, de må leses på skjermen. Hvis du vil, kan du lese dem nå. Du kan bruke back knappen i nettleseren din for å komme tilbake til denne anmeldelsen. Back knappen kan også være nyttig når du skalfinne frem og tilbake i anmeldelsen. Hvis du ikke liker labyrinter, finnes det en veiforklaring. Men prøv labyrinten først.

Creative Works referenced