
By Stefano Calzati, 21 December, 2011
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Abstract (in English)

Through the analysis of three case-studies, I investigate what happens to blogs when they are transposed outside the web, in media such as printed books or ebooks. Starting from Walker-Rettberg's definition of blog (2008), three orders of change are identified: blog's life and function; author's life and role; blog's structure and content. These three levels open the discussion to gender and genre issues with reference to digital texts and to the possibility that, far from sealing the death of the author or the onnipotence of the reader, the web opens texts to emancipation. 

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Asking what happens when blogs are remediated passing to codex and ebook versions, means to address a whole range of questions: Are there differences among digital version, printed version and ebook version? If so, which ones? Are blogs and/or author/s affected by the remediation process? If so, how? Are authoriality gender and narrative genre redefined? If so, in which way?
