
Description (in English)

BABY WORK is the 3rd edition of Cheang's LOCKER BABY PROJECT which consist of:BABY PLAY (2001, NTT[ICC], Tokyo) and BABY LOVE (2005, Palais de Tokyo, Paris).The Locker Baby project conceived in 2001 reflects a time when bioscience is accusedof out of control and scifi fantasia brings forward the future. Deriving from RyuMurakami's noted novel Coin Locker Babies (1980) of post-war Japan , the Locker BabyProject further contests the mother’s heart beats that are so desired for clone babiesborn out of lockers. A fictional scenario set in 2030 - the transnational DPT (DollyPollyTransgency) produces and engages clone locker babies in negotiating human "Memory"and "Emotion”. The clone baby holds the key to retrieve the networked inter-sphere ofME-data embedded in a playfield of sonic imagery triggered only by human interaction.In BABY PLAY, an oversized baby football field with clone baby players; in BABY LOVE, aride in 6 motorized fairground teacups with love song remixed by clone babies; in BABYWORK, the public are assigned as clone babies themselves, abandoned in the Etrash fieldfilled with defunct, discarded keyboards. You are the Baby. WORK. The public adorned inwhite surgery gloves walk about the etrashscape to collect shattered keys. Each key isthen placed ( a la scrabble game) on an intelligent metal plate wall which is wired andprogrammed to produce sound notes as each key is attached. Collectively, the publicassembles letters, words, icons that make up the ME-data.