
Description (in English)

"Killing Lena" is a rendered video series in which Lena Sjööblom's famous face is repeatedly exposed to the compression algorithms she unwittingly helped to develop. The videos presented are compression pornography, the suggestion of a "compressivist art", and a poetic digital demise. The installed version of this piece shows the effect of different recursively applied compression algorithms on the original image, simultaneously on separate screens.

(Source: 2008 ELO Media Art show)

Remote video URL
Description (in English)

A recombinatory digital fiction/poem for predicting death. It uses the stripped down the code of an online slot machine game, replacing the cards with 15 five-line death fictions/poeticals. The artwork recombines the scenarios randomly every time you spin. The writing divides the scenarios into location, method, result and post-result of each death possibility. Additionally, you can win death videos/poetry visuals and free spins. Some are rather scared of this creature's forecasting tone, while others exalt in the absurdist joy of the way all stories are interchangeable, interrelated and happily random.

(Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Technical notes

Requires Flash.