We propose to host a Live Stream Traversal on YouTube of Michael J. Maguire’s work Digital Vitalism for a live audience at ELO 2019 as well as the online audience beyond. The event aims to 1) preserve Maguire’s seminal work, Digital Vitalism, the most important work of electronic literature in Ireland, 2) engage audiences at the conference and beyond in a reading experience, 3) grow electronic literature in Ireland, and 4) promote Irish electronic literature in a global context. As with both the "Pathfinders" and "Rebooting Electronic Literature," the Traversal video and social media interactions of this Traversal will be collected and edited for publication along with photos of the work, bio of the author, critical commentary, and other information as an open-source, multimedia book on the Scalar platform that features the author and this work.
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Description (in English)