
By Hannah Ackermans, 12 December, 2016
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Abstract (in English)

How to design an open access journal that could enhance, at the same level of expectations, classical academic and scientific articles as well as digital artistic artworks? What kind of expectations should it meet in order to feel the needs of such mixed editorial production? How could it respond to the specific needs of both types of works? (…) Based on two enquiries that we realized among the Electronic Literature Organization community, we will present a first state of the art on the design of scientific & artistic publication on digital and hybrid journals. We will be focusing on examples of technical solutions (printed journals with online complements, Web platforms, online and printable PDF, enhanced ebooks), and analyse the ‘horizon of expectation’ (Jauss) built by each model and the reader-type expected.

(Source: Author's abstract at ICDMT 2016)