A description of a historical, documentary tour of Michigan Agricultural College Tour created by a group of grad students at The Michigan State University Cultural Heritage Informatics (CHI) Fieldschool.
Netpoetic is a collaborative weblog exploring digital poetry and electronic literature, including contributions from about 25 authors and critics active in the field, ranging from calls for works and announcements to reviews to pedagogical and theoretical observations. This collective activity is organized by digital poet Jason Nelson.
Weblog focused on electronic literature, digital art, and digital culture, featuring frequent reviews of works of electronic literature.
Blog del Portal de Literatura Electrónica Hispánica de la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
A group blog about computer narrative, games, poetry and art. From 2003-2009 operated as a collective effort on a single blog, now pulls conent from individual and institutional blogs of the contributors. Grand Text Auto also had two collective gallery shows of electronic literature and digital art, at the Beall Center for Arts and Technolgoy at UC Irvine (2007) and the Krannert Center at the University of Illnois (2009).
Italian blog about interactive fiction.