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Description (in English)

A creative website that contains more than can be easily labelled as poetry, art, or narrative, though it certainly contains that and more. Launched in 1998, the site incorporates multiple Web technologies in very coherent fashion to create a hypertext of musings, anxieties, joys, searches for companionship, yearnings, and more navigable through interfaces populated by a variety of insects. Each page in this hypertext is a discovery: a thoughtful exploration of an idea through art, language, and metaphor. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

Description in original language
I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
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All Rights reserved
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Description (in English)

The Face Codes, taken in Kyoto and Tokyo, are digital video stills that were later reworked and typified using identical parameters. The text running along the lower edge of the image, similar to subtitles in a non-synchronized film, represents the alphanumeric code of the respective image, which has been translated “back” into the Japanese code.

Source: Hubertus von Amelunxen (on author's project webiste)

Screen shots
Description (in English)

The work was published on Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries' web page in 2010 according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

Screen shots
Description (in English)

The work was published on Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries' web page in 2009 according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

Screen shots
Description (in English)

The work was published on Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries' web page in 2006 according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

Screen shots
Description (in English)

The work was published on Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries' webpage in 2003 according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

Screen shots
Technical notes
