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Brown University
68 Brown St
Providence, RI 02912
United States

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Presentations, performances, and readings at the Literary Arts Program (Brown University), featuring, among others, premieres by students from Brown´s electronic writing courses.

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At the 2002 Electronic Literature Online conference in Los Angeles, Katherine Hayles' keynote address warned that the incessant development of the software and hardware is rendering old computer based works obsolete and inaccessible. Although obsolescence is a problem for every form of cultural production, the reliance of computer-based creations upon a constantly evolving delicate matrix of software and hardware, makes preserving and archiving digital work especially challenging. Out of last Spring's discussions emerged the "PAD" initiative, and acronym for "preservation, archiving, and dissemination." PAD is an effort to develop a software standard (and perhaps eventually software products) that would give writers and artists some influence over the future development of the hardware/software interface, especially with regard to three practical goals of preservation, archiving, and dissemination.In the discussions of the last year, apparently available and relatively simple solutions--for example, preserving digital works by creating emulators that allow us to migrate them to new platforms--end up becoming complex, and implicated in many other issues. Here are a few: the value of earlier works (are they worth saving?); cost (at what expense?); technical feasibility (how can it be done?); ownership of works and software platforms (what sort of open-ness and access is necessary for this project). Such a project requires constant attention to creators and users (who benefits, and it what ways?).The April conference has two primary purposes: to address the general issues surrounding an attempt to preserve, archive and disseminate works created on the computer, and, in dialogical spirit, by offering a public account of the PAD project, we hope learn from those participating in the conference.

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University of Michigan
105 S. State
Ann Arbor, 48104
United States

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HASTAC´s conference on Digital Scholarly Communication showed why and how we cannot change the academic message without transforming the medium. And vice versa. The gathering experimented with an array of new forms and formats designed not just to discuss those three terms--digital, scholarly, communication--but to show how they work together to change one another and, indeed, to contribute to the transformation of higher education more generally. Bringing together voices from many sectors of the academy in a variety of new formats, this conference presages powerful new possibilities for interdisciplinary, interactive, and multimedia research and communication both in the academy and for the general public.

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University of Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585

Short description

Mapping e-lit: Lectura i anàlisi de la literatura és un Congrés Internacional organitzat pel Grup de Recerca Hermeneia i la Universitat de Barcelona que se celebra a la pròpia Universitat els dies 24 i 25 de novembre de 2011.

El Congrés vol oferir una immersió en el camp de la literatura electrònica a través de la participació i el diàleg d'especialistes nacionals i internacionals en la matèria, al mateix temps que ofereix l'oportunitat d'establir un contacte dirtecte amb els autors i crítics d'obres digitals i de conèixer la diverses pràctiques de lectura possibles.


Mapping E-Lit: Reading and Analysis of Digital Literature is an international conference organized by the Hermeneia Research Group and the University of Barcelona, which will take place at the University on November 24-25, 2011. 

The conference aims to provide an immersion in the field of electronic literature through participation and dialogue with national and international specialists in the field, creating the opportunity to establish direct contact with authors and critics of digital works while getting to know various reading practices.

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Université de Paris 8

Short description

This 8th edition of the H2PTM (hypermedias, hypertexts, products, tools,
methods) conference series restates the now classic themes that initiated
the first conference and since confirm its continuity. With attention to
recent developments, however, it progressively expands the thematic area
into several directions.

Hypermedia tools are above anything else instruments of creation and it
is hypermedia where the new products and works of the digital universe
are created. The conference thus accords a large part to the problems of
product development and artistic creation. It emphasizes - among other
things - the question of the "digital author". The fast paced development
of 3D, animation, and interaction technologies stirs at the same time an
interest in video and computer games which will be part of H2PTM this
year. The conference will also tackle the question of "sharing", which
lies at the heart of network practices. Finally, it will closely examine
the notion of the digital document from the point of view of its
creation, transmission and conservation.

Having arrived at a point of maturity, the conference seeks to establish
a perspective on the evolution of its centers of interest and - after a
lot of experimentation - to come back to the question of experience. This
concept will therefore play the role of a red line: user experience,
author experience, capitalized experience, lived experience, transmitted
experience; this way, the anthropological dimension of hypermedia will be
examined and underlined.

(Source: nettime-ann mailing list)

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Seattle, WA
United States

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The 127th MLA annual convention took place in Seattle, Washington. The presidential theme was "Language, Literature, Learning." 

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