Climates of Change

Short description

This virtual exhibition was originally part of ACM Hypertext and Social Media 2020, a conference originally intended to be hosted at the University of Central Florida in July 2020. The exhibition was designed to be colocated with the Electronic Literature Organization Conference and Media Arts Show, happening the same week, and was thus distributed to artists in both communities for submissions.

Given the global state of crisis, this year’s exhibition was migrated, and a new call was distributed for online works designed to use hypertext to drive engagement with the current challenges. The curators distributed a call for works responding to the overwhelming “climates of change,” with a particular emphasis on the ongoing environmental crisis. Thinking globally can be overwhelming: thus, this exhibition asks artists and viewers to engage with these global concerns through the lens of local and the personal. The exhibit features works that are brief and poetic; works that engage with moments and personal challenges; works that respond to local challenges and warnings for the future that is already here. The curators welcomed works positioned through the lens of the current moment; works that challenge and inspire us; and works that call out for reflection and change.

The curators particularly encouraged those submitting to draw on personal experiences or connections or understandings about climate change, the impacts, causes and effects. Pieces might also engage with how that understanding is changing every day under our growing collective challenges.


Climates of Change Gallery front page screenshot
Record Status