Jeff T. Johnson

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United States

113 E. 4th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11218
United States

Short biography

Jeff T. Johnson is a writer, critic, and editor living in Brooklyn, NY. He grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles and lived in Oakland, CA for 16 years before relocating to the East Coast.

His poetry is forthcoming or has appeared in Boston Review, 1913: a journal of forms, dandelion, Slope, VOLT, and Forklift, Ohio, among other publications. Critical essays have appeared in Sink Review, The Rumpus, Coldfront, The Aviary, Poetry Project Newsletter, and elsewhere. A founding editor of Kitchen Sink magazine (2002-2007), he is Editor in Chief at LIT and co-edits Dewclaw. He is currently writing a book of musicological poetics called Trouble Songs.

Also a digital artist, Jeff is at work on Letters from the Archiverse, an ongoing visual poem composed in architectural modeling space using AutoCAD design software. He also collaborates on SPECIAL AMERICA, a digitally mediated theoretical performance. He is a member of the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO).

Jeff teaches part-time in the Graduate Writing Program at The New School, where he received his MFA, and in the First-Year Writing Program at St. John’s University. He has also taught in the Riggio Honor's Program at Eugene Lang College, College of Staten Island, and 826 NYC.

He lives with the writer Claire Donato and their cat, Brix Smith. Most days find him within arm's reach of his record player and a book shelf. He's an avid watcher of longform television—favorite series include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twin Peaks, Friday Night Lights, Veronica Mars, The OC, and Six Feet Under. His favorite style of beer is IPA.

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