Wanderkammer: A Walk Through Texts

Description (in English)

Wander (Wun¦der) verb 1. [with adverbial of direction] walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way: I wandered through the narrow streets, [with object] travel aimlessly through or over (an area): he found her wandering the streets, (of a road or river) meander. 2. move slowly away from a fixed point or place: please don't wander off againfigurative his attention had wandered. 3. be unfaithful to one's regular sexual partner. noun an act or instance of wandering: she'd go on wanders like that in her nightgown. Wanderkammer (Wun¦der|kam¦mer) noun (plural Wanderkammern)1. a web-based collection of hyperlinked quotations from curious and rare writings on the topic of wandering. 2. a walk through texts.

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