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Description (in English)

Buzz Aldrin Doesn't Know Any Better was a poem about crazy talking with a street-person outside a pawn shop on a sunny San Francisco afternoon.

The original work was first created to be the middle panel for Things You've Said Before But We Never Heard, a triptych exploring conversations with in different registers, as well as the differences in presenting text in print and screen formats.

Know is the second app in the Poetry for Excitable [Mobile] Media (P.o.E.M.M.) Cycle. We will create a series of ten such apps, each exploring different interaction methods, collaboration strategies, and publication methods. The P.o.E.M.M.s are also part of a series of exhibition-scale interactive touch-works integrated with large-scale printed texts. To find out more about the P.o.E.M.M. project, visit

(Source: Author's description on iTunes store)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Part of another work
Screen shots